Community Engagements

The stories we ideate, co-create, and share have immense power in our community. Our community engagements connect neutral CMD facilitators, community partners, and storytelling resources together – enabling our communities to tell more equitable, inclusive stories. These services translate our storytelling philosophy to teams & organizations in the nonprofit, educational, governmental, and business sectors.

Community Engagements

The stories we ideate, co-create, and share have immense power in our community. Our community engagements connect neutral CMD facilitators, community partners, and storytelling resources together – enabling our communities to tell more equitable, inclusive stories. These services translate our storytelling philosophy to teams & organizations in the nonprofit, educational, governmental, and business sectors.

Community engagements

workshop creation

See a career or storytelling topic that we’ve missed? Does your organization need a more custom experience? CMD will work with you to create unique workshops within career navigation, community facilitation, team leadership, and storytelling spaces.


Does your organization need storytelling help? Whether creating a common language, crafting a strategic plan, or supporting a business pitch – CMD’s storytelling framework can help.


Today’s political and divisive climate rarely creates the needed space for conversations. Let CMD facilitate those tough conversations and help your organization or community decompress, reset, and find alignment. Common conversation topics include #BlackLivesMatter, social justice, and allyship.


Our storytelling resources have helped hundreds of individuals find clarity in an increasingly complex career landscape. Know of a resource your team, organization, or community desperately needs? Let CMD create it for you utilizing our storytelling frameworks and in-house designers. Check out our most popular self-led packets to get a sense of what we could create for you!


Not every business idea succeeds and some stories don’t have happy endings. If your organization is downsizing, needs additional flexibility with employee transitions, or wants to support seasonal/contracted staff, CMD can help. We’ll provide résumé reviews, LinkedIn revamps, interview support, and job search strategies through 1-on-1 coaching and group workshops.


Does your organization help job seekers or career changers? Learn from CMDs storytelling frameworks, methodologies, & resources. Our facilitator training will help you level up your volunteers, team members, or staff.

Community Engagements


See a career or storytelling topic that we’ve missed? Does your organization need a more custom experience? CMD will work with you to create unique workshops within career navigation, community facilitation, team leadership, and storytelling spaces.


Does your organization need storytelling help? Whether creating a common language, crafting a strategic plan, or supporting a business pitch – CMD’s storytelling framework can help.


Today’s political and divisive climate rarely creates the needed space for conversations. Let CMD facilitate those tough conversations and help your organization or community decompress, reset, and find alignment. Common conversation topics include #BlackLivesMatter, social justice, and allyship.


Our storytelling resources have helped hundreds of individuals find clarity in an increasingly complex career landscape. Know of a resource your team, organization, or community desperately needs? Let CMD create it for you utilizing our storytelling frameworks and in-house designers. Check out our most popular self-led packets to get a sense of what we could create for you!


Not every business idea succeeds and some stories don’t have happy endings. If your organization is downsizing, needs additional flexibility with employee transitions, or wants to support seasonal/contracted staff, CMD can help. We’ll provide résumé reviews, LinkedIn revamps, interview support, and job search strategies through 1-on-1 coaching and group workshops.


Does your organization help job seekers or career changers? Learn from CMDs storytelling frameworks, methodologies, & resources. Our facilitator training will help you level up your volunteers, team members, or staff.

Want to
with us?

CMD is proud to partner with organizations in providing community engagement services.

engagement topics

StoryListening Series

StoryListening topics emphasize internal dialogue and understanding external business and industry trends to find your career direction.

Skill + Values Mapping

Align your values, understand your strengths, and map these to potential career opportunities.

Strategic Volunteering

Develop your professional skills while creating community impact with this application of skill mapping.

Job Search + Career Research Strategies

Whether looking for your next job, career advancement, or pivoting to a whole new career, we’ll teach you to search while avoiding burnout.

Life + Career Transitions

Navigating a big career, academic, or life transition is tricky.
Our “Three Considerations” framework will help you chart a course, add clarity, and build a repeatable process for handling these ambiguous transitions.

StoryCrafting Series

StoryCrafting topics take your values, strengths, and opportunities and articulate them through specific, impactful, and authentic stories for the professional world.

Résumés + Cover Letters

We’ll cover the changing purpose, formatting styles, content considerations, and our CMD process to help you create, revise, and refresh these professional storytelling artifacts.


LinkedIn is an important part of your digital footprint. CMD will walk you through how to create standout profiles, network digitally, and make this powerful search engine work for you!

Maximizing Internship + Work Experiences

So you got the job… now what? We’ll cover what you don’t learn in school: How to find mentors, manage your projects, increase the chance of return offers, and maximize a company’s resources.

Personal Branding

What’s your story? Do you know how to create a cohesive and authentic story? CMD will show you how to develop an authentic personal brand.

StoryTelling Series

StoryTelling topics help you own your career story. You will become more comfortable with your strengths and gaps, while working towards getting others to invest in your story.

Elevator Pitches

Who are you? Why should I invest in you? How can I help? Can’t answer these questions in 60 seconds or less? Then you need our elevator pitch workshop.


The time to master the behavioral interview is now. We will cover different types of interview questions (and strategies to prepare for them) and teach you how to select and tell your best career stories.


Networking is important, but connecting is better. Built with our introverted friends in mind, we’ll cover practical strategies to connect in digital and physical spaces while managing your time and energy.

Digital Portfolio

You built a website during the pandemic, have a custom resume, and clearly articulated your design aesthetic… Now what? Built for our designers and creatives, this workshop will help you create and refine a visual narrative that speaks to the rest of the world.

Leading Through Change Series

Leaders drive change, but to do this scalably and effectively you need a system. These topics will help you build a system to create the right team to solve the right problems with your leadership style.

Building Teams to Drive Change

Do you have a passion or frustration that keeps you up at night? Need help leading your team to drive long-term, sustainable change? Then join students, educators, nonprofit groups, and activists in learning how to channel your passion, turn your social capital into conversations, and systematically change your environment.

Building a Culture for Co-Creation

The global pandemic has changed the workplace forever. Your employees/colleagues want to work for a responsive, value-driven, organization that can co-create asynchronously in the digital world. Sound overwhelming? Then this employee branding and culture engagement is for you.

Making Teams “Work”

From group projects, to volunteer activities, to event planning, to professional organizations – we all work in teams. But do your teams actually “work”? We will explore the different roles that every team needs (regardless of team size or project scope), understand common team dysfunctions, and help you build, manage, lead, and even transform teams.

Building Your Mentoring Team

The bigger your dreams, the more important mentors and coaches will be to your life. Let us help you take a step back and create a gameplan for building, maintaining, and maximizing a world-class team of mentors!

engagement topics

StoryListening Series

StoryListening topics emphasize internal dialogue and understanding external business and industry trends to find your career direction.

Skill + Values Mapping

Align your values, understand your strengths, and map these to potential career opportunities.

Strategic Volunteering

Develop your professional skills while creating community impact with this application of skill mapping.

Job Search + Career Research Strategies

Whether looking for your next job, career advancement, or pivoting to a whole new career, we’ll teach you to search while avoiding burnout.

Life + Career Transitions

Navigating a big career, academic, or life transition is tricky.
Our “Three Considerations” framework will help you chart a course, add clarity, and build a repeatable process for handling these ambiguous transitions.

StoryCrafting Series

StoryCrafting topics take your values, strengths, and opportunities and articulate them through specific, impactful, and authentic stories for the professional world.

Résumés + Cover Letters

We’ll cover the changing purpose, formatting styles, content considerations, and our CMD process to help you create, revise, and refresh these professional storytelling artifacts.


LinkedIn is an important part of your digital footprint. CMD will walk you through how to create standout profiles, network digitally, and make this powerful search engine work for you!

Maximizing Internship + Work Experiences

So you got the job… now what? We’ll cover what you don’t learn in school: How to find mentors, manage your projects, increase the chance of return offers, and maximize a company’s resources.

Personal Branding

What’s your story? Do you know how to create a cohesive and authentic story? CMD will show you how to develop an authentic personal brand.

StoryTelling Series

StoryTelling topics help you own your career story. You will become more comfortable with your strengths and gaps, while working towards getting others to invest in your story.

Elevator Pitches

Who are you? Why should I invest in you? How can I help? Can’t answer these questions in 60 seconds or less? Then you need our elevator pitch workshop.


The time to master the behavioral interview is now. We will cover different types of interview questions (and strategies to prepare for them) and teach you how to select and tell your best career stories.


Networking is important, but connecting is better. Built with our introverted friends in mind, we’ll cover practical strategies to connect in digital and physical spaces while managing your time and energy.

Digital Portfolio

You built a website during the pandemic, have a custom resume, and clearly articulated your design aesthetic… Now what? Built for our designers and creatives, this workshop will help you create and refine a visual narrative that speaks to the rest of the world.

Leading Through Change Series

Leaders drive change, but to do this scalably and effectively you need a system. These topics will help you build a system to create the right team to solve the right problems with your leadership style.

Building Teams to Drive Change

Do you have a passion or frustration that keeps you up at night? Need help leading your team to drive long-term, sustainable change? Then join students, educators, nonprofit groups, and activists in learning how to channel your passion, turn your social capital into conversations, and systematically change your environment.

Building a Culture for Co-Creation

The global pandemic has changed the workplace forever. Your employees/colleagues want to work for a responsive, value-driven, organization that can co-create asynchronously in the digital world. Sound overwhelming? Then this employee branding and culture engagement is for you.

Making Teams “Work”

From group projects, to volunteer activities, to event planning, to professional organizations – we all work in teams. But do your teams actually “work”? We will explore the different roles that every team needs (regardless of team size or project scope), understand common team dysfunctions, and help you build, manage, lead, and even transform teams.

Building Your Mentoring Team

The bigger your dreams, the more important mentors and coaches will be to your life. Let us help you take a step back and create a gameplan for building, maintaining, and maximizing a world-class team of mentors!

Partner with us

We are building strong partnerships with businesses, nonprofits, educators, and organizations that align with our mission and believe in the power of stories. Join us in co-creating a story of respectful community empowerment.

Partner with Us

We are building strong partnerships with businesses, nonprofits, educators, and organizations that align with our mission and believe in the power of stories. Join us in co-creating a story of respectful community empowerment.